
SHIFT : Change Your Perspective, Not Yourself: A Guide to Dating, Self-Worth and Becoming the Main Character of Your Life - 1 - London Simon & Schuster 2023/01/01 - 263

A guide to dating, self-worth and becoming the main character of your life

It’s time to get laser focused on what makes us feel happy and fulfilled. Lifestyle creator, advice expert and podcast host Tinx wants to take your hand and guide you to a new way of thinking about life, love, happiness and friendships – where dating evolves into era of self-discovery and not just a means to an end, sharing wisdom becomes a collective power, and chaos turns into a source of creativity. Making small but mighty shifts in thinking can be a tool for personal growth that fuels you instead of fatigues you. The point is to know yourself, discover what you fulfills you, and have fun along the way.

In The Shift, Tinx collects all her revolutionary theories and hilarious personal anecdotes in one place, presenting you with a guide to simple mindset shifts that will completely change the way you approach decision making and relationships.

Through her own stories, from the good to the bad, Tinx will help you better understand how to step into your power and own self-worth. Some say you cannot love another before you learn to love yourself: Tinx will teach you how to do both at the same time. And she’ll do it while making you laugh out loud.

With her signature wit and honesty, Tinx will teach you:
> How to change your scarcity mindset
> How to understand and employ her famous Box Theory dating concept
> How to feed the things that fulfill you
> How living well is the best revenge
> How therapy can reframe struggles into strengths
> How to break up with dignity
> How knowing your worth makes you a better friend and partner

Dating (crushes, texting, first dates, and hooking up). Scarcity mindset: her success is not my failure ; Crush list: part manifestation, part organization, magic spell-meets-spreadsheet ; Before the first message: dating apps, DMs, and the art of online stalking ; Before the first date: a course in box theory ; Reverse box theory: evidence-based thinking vs. future tripping ; The talking phase: texting means everything and it also doesn't matter ; "When we hanging?" and other things that don't count as dating ; Tinx's calendar calculus: your cheat sheet for dating timeline best practices ; Fuck me sideways: sex on your terms ; A hot girl's guide: how to trap a fuckboi ; Data collection: how to work through the tantrum and keep the scent going ; Ick list: the anti-crush list ; POV: main character energy ; RMW: the nonnegotiables of your life ; Software update: dating in other cities ; Beware, hazards ahead: ghosting, breadcrumbing, and love bombing ; Closing ceremonies: holding funerals
Together and apart (coupling up, breaking up, and getting over it). Boyfriends: when you know, you (don't) know ; Investment strategy for relationships: stockbroker vs. venture capitalist approach ; What about when everything is great? ; Boyfriend sickness: there is no cure, only containment ; Heartbreak antibodies: building up your immunity ; Young gemini: better to have loved and lost ; Living well is the best revenge: thoughts on cheating ; Say it with me: men always come back or their lives get worse ; The road to recovery: rest, routine, reevaluation, and rebounds ; I've had the time of my life: an ode to being single ; Fake boyfriends: navigating the delicate balance of platonic friendships ; Gimme a break: a guide to dumping with dignity
Self-worth and self-knowledge (the era of self-discovery). All by myself... just wanna be... all by myself ; Good ideas from bad places: pulling creativity out of chaos ; How to lose friends and influence people ; Hoes over bros: how to be a better friend ; If you don't have anything nice to say: a better way to talk about bodies ; Best hour of the week: what therapy has taught me ; Parents are just people: how to make sense of your life by examining your mom and dad ; The ultimate shift: taking responsibility for your own happiness ; Different strokes: following your own timeline


Purchased Mathrubhumi Books,Kaloor

Attitude (Psychology)
Change (Psychology)
Dating (Social customs)
Interpersonal relations
Self-actualization (Psychology) in women
Self-esteem in women
Self-help publications
Women Psychology

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